- EstimateSketchUDF - Class in org.apache.datasketches.hive.theta
Hive estimate sketch udf.
- EstimateSketchUDF() - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.hive.theta.EstimateSketchUDF
- evaluate(BytesWritable) - Method in class org.apache.datasketches.hive.cpc.GetEstimateAndErrorBoundsUDF
Get an estimate from a given CpcSketch using the default seed and kappa
- evaluate(BytesWritable, int) - Method in class org.apache.datasketches.hive.cpc.GetEstimateAndErrorBoundsUDF
Get an estimate and bounds from a given CpcSketch with default seed
- evaluate(BytesWritable, int, long) - Method in class org.apache.datasketches.hive.cpc.GetEstimateAndErrorBoundsUDF
Get an estimate and bounds from a given CpcSketch with explicit seed
- evaluate(BytesWritable, long) - Method in class org.apache.datasketches.hive.cpc.GetEstimateUDF
Get an estimate from a given CpcSketch with explicit seed
- evaluate(BytesWritable) - Method in class org.apache.datasketches.hive.cpc.GetEstimateUDF
Get an estimate from a given CpcSketch using the default seed
- evaluate(BytesWritable, long) - Method in class org.apache.datasketches.hive.cpc.SketchToStringUDF
Get a summary of a given CpcSketch with explicit seed
- evaluate(BytesWritable) - Method in class org.apache.datasketches.hive.cpc.SketchToStringUDF
Get a summary of a given CpcSketch using the default seed
- evaluate(BytesWritable, BytesWritable, int, long) - Method in class org.apache.datasketches.hive.cpc.UnionSketchUDF
Union two sketches given explicit lgK and seed
- evaluate(BytesWritable, BytesWritable, int) - Method in class org.apache.datasketches.hive.cpc.UnionSketchUDF
Union two sketches given explicit lgK and using default seed
- evaluate(BytesWritable, BytesWritable) - Method in class org.apache.datasketches.hive.cpc.UnionSketchUDF
Union two sketches using default lgK an seed
- evaluate(BytesWritable) - Method in class org.apache.datasketches.hive.hll.SketchToEstimateAndErrorBoundsUDF
Get an estimate and error bounds from a given HllSketch with default kappa
- evaluate(BytesWritable, int) - Method in class org.apache.datasketches.hive.hll.SketchToEstimateAndErrorBoundsUDF
Get an estimate and error bounds from a given HllSketch with explicit kappa
- evaluate(BytesWritable) - Method in class org.apache.datasketches.hive.hll.SketchToEstimateUDF
Get an estimate from a given HllSketch
- evaluate(BytesWritable) - Method in class org.apache.datasketches.hive.hll.SketchToStringUDF
Get a human-readable summary of a given HllSketch
- evaluate(BytesWritable, BytesWritable, int, String) - Method in class org.apache.datasketches.hive.hll.UnionSketchUDF
Union two sketches given explicit lgK and target HLL type
- evaluate(BytesWritable, BytesWritable, int) - Method in class org.apache.datasketches.hive.hll.UnionSketchUDF
Union two sketches given explicit lgK and using default target HLL type
- evaluate(BytesWritable, BytesWritable) - Method in class org.apache.datasketches.hive.hll.UnionSketchUDF
Union two sketches using default lgK an target HLL type
- evaluate(BytesWritable, Float...) - Method in class org.apache.datasketches.hive.kll.GetCdfUDF
Returns a list of ranks (CDF) from a given sketch
- evaluate(BytesWritable) - Method in class org.apache.datasketches.hive.kll.GetNUDF
Returns N from a given sketch
- evaluate(BytesWritable, Float...) - Method in class org.apache.datasketches.hive.kll.GetPmfUDF
Returns a list of fractions (PMF) from a given sketch
- evaluate(BytesWritable, Double...) - Method in class org.apache.datasketches.hive.kll.GetQuantilesUDF
Returns a list of quantile values from a given sketch
- evaluate(BytesWritable, double) - Method in class org.apache.datasketches.hive.kll.GetQuantileUDF
Returns a quantile value from a given sketch
- evaluate(BytesWritable, float) - Method in class org.apache.datasketches.hive.kll.GetRankUDF
Returns a normalized rank of a given value from a given sketch
- evaluate(BytesWritable) - Method in class org.apache.datasketches.hive.kll.SketchToStringUDF
Returns a summary of a given sketch
- evaluate(BytesWritable) - Method in class org.apache.datasketches.hive.quantiles.DoublesSketchToStringUDF
Returns a human-readable summary of a given sketch
- evaluate(BytesWritable, Double...) - Method in class org.apache.datasketches.hive.quantiles.GetCdfFromDoublesSketchUDF
Returns a list of ranks (CDF) from a given sketch
- evaluate(BytesWritable, String...) - Method in class org.apache.datasketches.hive.quantiles.GetCdfFromStringsSketchUDF
Returns a list of ranks (CDF) from a given sketch
- evaluate(BytesWritable) - Method in class org.apache.datasketches.hive.quantiles.GetKFromDoublesSketchUDF
Returns parameter K from a given sketch
- evaluate(BytesWritable) - Method in class org.apache.datasketches.hive.quantiles.GetKFromStringsSketchUDF
Returns parameter K from a given sketch
- evaluate(BytesWritable) - Method in class org.apache.datasketches.hive.quantiles.GetNFromDoublesSketchUDF
Returns N from a given sketch
- evaluate(BytesWritable) - Method in class org.apache.datasketches.hive.quantiles.GetNFromStringsSketchUDF
Returns N from a given sketch
- evaluate(BytesWritable, Double...) - Method in class org.apache.datasketches.hive.quantiles.GetPmfFromDoublesSketchUDF
Returns a list of fractions (PMF) from a given sketch
- evaluate(BytesWritable, String...) - Method in class org.apache.datasketches.hive.quantiles.GetPmfFromStringsSketchUDF
Returns a list of fractions (PMF) from a given sketch
- evaluate(BytesWritable, double) - Method in class org.apache.datasketches.hive.quantiles.GetQuantileFromDoublesSketchUDF
Returns a quantile value from a given sketch
- evaluate(BytesWritable, double) - Method in class org.apache.datasketches.hive.quantiles.GetQuantileFromStringsSketchUDF
Returns a quantile value from a given sketch
- evaluate(BytesWritable, Double...) - Method in class org.apache.datasketches.hive.quantiles.GetQuantilesFromDoublesSketchUDF
Returns a list of quantile values from a given sketch
- evaluate(BytesWritable, int) - Method in class org.apache.datasketches.hive.quantiles.GetQuantilesFromDoublesSketchUDF
Returns a list of quantile values from a given sketch
- evaluate(BytesWritable, Double...) - Method in class org.apache.datasketches.hive.quantiles.GetQuantilesFromStringsSketchUDF
Returns a list of quantile values from a given sketch
- evaluate(BytesWritable, int) - Method in class org.apache.datasketches.hive.quantiles.GetQuantilesFromStringsSketchUDF
Returns a list of quantile values from a given sketch
- evaluate(BytesWritable) - Method in class org.apache.datasketches.hive.quantiles.StringsSketchToStringUDF
Returns a human-readable summary of a given sketch
- evaluate(BytesWritable) - Method in class org.apache.datasketches.hive.theta.EstimateSketchUDF
Returns the estimate unique count of sketch.
- evaluate(BytesWritable, long) - Method in class org.apache.datasketches.hive.theta.EstimateSketchUDF
Returns the estimate unique count of sketch.
- evaluate(BytesWritable, BytesWritable, long) - Method in class org.apache.datasketches.hive.theta.ExcludeSketchUDF
Main logic called by hive if sketchSize is also passed in.
- evaluate(BytesWritable, BytesWritable) - Method in class org.apache.datasketches.hive.theta.ExcludeSketchUDF
Main logic called by hive if hashUpdateSeed is not passed in.
- evaluate(BytesWritable, BytesWritable, long) - Method in class org.apache.datasketches.hive.theta.IntersectSketchUDF
Main logic called by hive if sketchSize is also passed in.
- evaluate(BytesWritable, BytesWritable) - Method in class org.apache.datasketches.hive.theta.IntersectSketchUDF
Main logic called by hive if sketchSize is not passed in.
- evaluate(BytesWritable, BytesWritable, int, long) - Method in class org.apache.datasketches.hive.theta.UnionSketchUDF
Main logic called by hive if sketchSize is also passed in.
- evaluate(BytesWritable, BytesWritable, int) - Method in class org.apache.datasketches.hive.theta.UnionSketchUDF
Main logic called by hive if sketchSize is also passed in.
- evaluate(BytesWritable, BytesWritable) - Method in class org.apache.datasketches.hive.theta.UnionSketchUDF
Main logic called by hive if sketchSize is not passed in.
- evaluate(BytesWritable, BytesWritable) - Method in class org.apache.datasketches.hive.tuple.ArrayOfDoublesSketchesTTestUDF
T-test on a given pair of ArrayOfDoublesSketches
- evaluate(BytesWritable) - Method in class org.apache.datasketches.hive.tuple.ArrayOfDoublesSketchToEstimateAndErrorBoundsUDF
Get estimate, lower and upper bounds from a given ArrayOfDoublesSketch
- evaluate(BytesWritable) - Method in class org.apache.datasketches.hive.tuple.ArrayOfDoublesSketchToEstimatesUDF
Get estimates from a given ArrayOfDoublesSketch
- evaluate(BytesWritable) - Method in class org.apache.datasketches.hive.tuple.ArrayOfDoublesSketchToMeansUDF
Get means from a given ArrayOfDoublesSketch
- evaluate(BytesWritable) - Method in class org.apache.datasketches.hive.tuple.ArrayOfDoublesSketchToNumberOfRetainedEntriesUDF
Get number of retained entries from a given ArrayOfDoublesSketch
- evaluate(BytesWritable) - Method in class org.apache.datasketches.hive.tuple.ArrayOfDoublesSketchToQuantilesSketchUDF
Convert the first column from a given ArrayOfDoublesSketch to a quantiles DoublesSketch
using the default parameter k.
- evaluate(BytesWritable, int) - Method in class org.apache.datasketches.hive.tuple.ArrayOfDoublesSketchToQuantilesSketchUDF
Convert a given column from a given ArrayOfDoublesSketch to a quantiles DoublesSketch
using the default parameter k.
- evaluate(BytesWritable, int, int) - Method in class org.apache.datasketches.hive.tuple.ArrayOfDoublesSketchToQuantilesSketchUDF
Convert a given column from a given ArrayOfDoublesSketch to a quantiles DoublesSketch
- evaluate(BytesWritable) - Method in class org.apache.datasketches.hive.tuple.ArrayOfDoublesSketchToVariancesUDF
Get variances from a given ArrayOfDoublesSketch
- evaluate(BytesWritable) - Method in class org.apache.datasketches.hive.tuple.DoubleSummarySketchToEstimatesUDF
Get estimates from a given Sketch<DoubleSummary>
- evaluate(BytesWritable, double) - Method in class org.apache.datasketches.hive.tuple.DoubleSummarySketchToPercentileUDF
Get percentile from a given Sketch<DoubleSummary>
- ExcludeSketchUDF - Class in org.apache.datasketches.hive.theta
Hive exclude sketch UDF.
- ExcludeSketchUDF() - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.hive.theta.ExcludeSketchUDF
- extractValue(Object, ObjectInspector) - Method in class org.apache.datasketches.hive.frequencies.DataToItemsSketchUDAF.DataToItemsSketchEvaluator
- extractValue(Object, ObjectInspector) - Method in class org.apache.datasketches.hive.quantiles.DataToItemsSketchUDAF.DataToSketchEvaluator
- extractValue(Object, PrimitiveObjectInspector) - Method in class org.apache.datasketches.hive.tuple.DataToSketchUDAF.DataToSketchEvaluator
Override this if it takes more than a cast to convert Hive value into the sketch update type U