- accumulate(Tuple) - Method in class org.apache.datasketches.pig.cpc.DataToSketch
An Accumulator version of the standard exec() method.
- accumulate(Tuple) - Method in class org.apache.datasketches.pig.cpc.UnionSketch
An Accumulator version of the standard exec() method.
- accumulate(Tuple) - Method in class org.apache.datasketches.pig.frequencies.DataToFrequentItemsSketch
- accumulate(Tuple) - Method in class org.apache.datasketches.pig.frequencies.UnionFrequentItemsSketch
- accumulate(Tuple) - Method in class org.apache.datasketches.pig.hll.DataToSketch
An Accumulator version of the standard exec() method.
- accumulate(Tuple) - Method in class org.apache.datasketches.pig.hll.UnionSketch
An Accumulator version of the standard exec() method.
- accumulate(Tuple) - Method in class org.apache.datasketches.pig.kll.DataToSketch
An Accumulator version of the standard exec() method.
- accumulate(Tuple) - Method in class org.apache.datasketches.pig.kll.UnionSketch
An Accumulator version of the standard exec() method.
- accumulate(Tuple) - Method in class org.apache.datasketches.pig.quantiles.DataToDoublesSketch
An Accumulator version of the standard exec() method.
- accumulate(Tuple) - Method in class org.apache.datasketches.pig.quantiles.DataToItemsSketch
An Accumulator version of the standard exec() method.
- accumulate(Tuple) - Method in class org.apache.datasketches.pig.quantiles.UnionDoublesSketch
An Accumulator version of the standard exec() method.
- accumulate(Tuple) - Method in class org.apache.datasketches.pig.quantiles.UnionItemsSketch
An Accumulator version of the standard exec() method.
- accumulate(Tuple) - Method in class org.apache.datasketches.pig.sampling.DataToVarOptSketch
- accumulate(Tuple) - Method in class org.apache.datasketches.pig.sampling.ReservoirSampling
- accumulate(Tuple) - Method in class org.apache.datasketches.pig.sampling.ReservoirUnion
- accumulate(Tuple) - Method in class org.apache.datasketches.pig.sampling.VarOptSampling
- accumulate(Tuple) - Method in class org.apache.datasketches.pig.sampling.VarOptUnion
- accumulate(Tuple) - Method in class org.apache.datasketches.pig.theta.DataToSketch
An Accumulator version of the standard exec() method.
- accumulate(Tuple) - Method in class org.apache.datasketches.pig.theta.Intersect
An Accumulator version of the standard exec() method.
- accumulate(Tuple) - Method in class org.apache.datasketches.pig.theta.Union
An Accumulator version of the standard exec() method.
- accumulate(Tuple) - Method in class org.apache.datasketches.pig.tuple.DataToSketch
- accumulate(Tuple) - Method in class org.apache.datasketches.pig.tuple.UnionSketch
- AexcludeB - Class in org.apache.datasketches.pig.theta
This is a Pig UDF that performs the A-NOT-B Set Operation on two given Sketches.
- AexcludeB() - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.theta.AexcludeB
Default constructor to make pig validation happy.
- AexcludeB(String) - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.theta.AexcludeB
String constructor.
- AexcludeB(long) - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.theta.AexcludeB
Base constructor.
- AlgebraicInitial - Class in org.apache.datasketches.pig.cpc
Class used to calculate the initial pass of an Algebraic sketch operation.
- AlgebraicInitial() - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.cpc.AlgebraicInitial
Default constructor for the initial pass of an Algebraic function.
- AlgebraicInitial(String) - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.cpc.AlgebraicInitial
Constructor for the initial pass of an Algebraic function.
- AlgebraicInitial(String, String) - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.cpc.AlgebraicInitial
Constructor for the initial pass of an Algebraic function.
- AlgebraicInitial - Class in org.apache.datasketches.pig.frequencies
This is a common pass-through implementation for initial step of an Algebraic operation
- AlgebraicInitial() - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.frequencies.AlgebraicInitial
- AlgebraicInitial - Class in org.apache.datasketches.pig.hll
Class used to calculate the initial pass of an Algebraic sketch operation.
- AlgebraicInitial() - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.hll.AlgebraicInitial
Default constructor for the initial pass of an Algebraic function.
- AlgebraicInitial(String) - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.hll.AlgebraicInitial
Constructor for the initial pass of an Algebraic function.
- AlgebraicInitial(String, String) - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.hll.AlgebraicInitial
Constructor for the initial pass of an Algebraic function.
- AlgebraicInitial - Class in org.apache.datasketches.pig.tuple
This is a common pass-through implementation for initial step of an Algebraic operation
- AlgebraicInitial() - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.tuple.AlgebraicInitial
- ArrayOfDoublesSketchesToPValueEstimates - Class in org.apache.datasketches.pig.tuple
Calculate p-values given two ArrayOfDoublesSketch.
- ArrayOfDoublesSketchesToPValueEstimates() - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.tuple.ArrayOfDoublesSketchesToPValueEstimates
- ArrayOfDoublesSketchToEstimateAndErrorBounds - Class in org.apache.datasketches.pig.tuple
This is a User Defined Function (UDF) for obtaining the unique count estimate
along with a lower and upper bound from an ArrayOfDoublesSketch.
- ArrayOfDoublesSketchToEstimateAndErrorBounds() - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.tuple.ArrayOfDoublesSketchToEstimateAndErrorBounds
- ArrayOfDoublesSketchToEstimates - Class in org.apache.datasketches.pig.tuple
This UDF converts an ArrayOfDoubles sketch to estimates.
- ArrayOfDoublesSketchToEstimates() - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.tuple.ArrayOfDoublesSketchToEstimates
- ArrayOfDoublesSketchToMeans - Class in org.apache.datasketches.pig.tuple
This UDF converts an ArrayOfDoubles sketch to mean values.
- ArrayOfDoublesSketchToMeans() - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.tuple.ArrayOfDoublesSketchToMeans
- ArrayOfDoublesSketchToNumberOfRetainedEntries - Class in org.apache.datasketches.pig.tuple
This is a User Defined Function (UDF) for obtaining the number of retained entries
from an ArrayOfDoublesSketch.
- ArrayOfDoublesSketchToNumberOfRetainedEntries() - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.tuple.ArrayOfDoublesSketchToNumberOfRetainedEntries
- ArrayOfDoublesSketchToQuantilesSketch - Class in org.apache.datasketches.pig.tuple
This UDF converts a given column of double values from an ArrayOfDoubles sketch
to a quantiles DoublesSketch to further analyze the distribution of these values.
- ArrayOfDoublesSketchToQuantilesSketch() - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.tuple.ArrayOfDoublesSketchToQuantilesSketch
Constructor with default parameter k for quantiles sketch
- ArrayOfDoublesSketchToQuantilesSketch(String) - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.tuple.ArrayOfDoublesSketchToQuantilesSketch
Constructor with a given parameter k for quantiles sketch
- ArrayOfDoublesSketchToVariances - Class in org.apache.datasketches.pig.tuple
This UDF converts an ArrayOfDoubles sketch to variance values.
- ArrayOfDoublesSketchToVariances() - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.tuple.ArrayOfDoublesSketchToVariances
- ArrayOfTuplesSerDe - Class in org.apache.datasketches.pig.sampling
This ArrayOfItemsSerDe implementation takes advantage of the Pig methods used in
Pig's own BinStorage to serialize arbitrary Tuple data.
- ArrayOfTuplesSerDe() - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.sampling.ArrayOfTuplesSerDe
- DataToArrayOfDoublesSketch - Class in org.apache.datasketches.pig.tuple
This UDF creates an ArrayOfDoublesSketch from raw data.
- DataToArrayOfDoublesSketch() - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.tuple.DataToArrayOfDoublesSketch
Constructor with default sketch size, default sampling probability of 1
and default number of values per key, which is 1.
- DataToArrayOfDoublesSketch(String) - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.tuple.DataToArrayOfDoublesSketch
Constructor with default sketch size and default sampling probability of 1.
- DataToArrayOfDoublesSketch(String, String) - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.tuple.DataToArrayOfDoublesSketch
Constructor with given sketch size, number of values and default sampling probability of 1.
- DataToArrayOfDoublesSketch(String, String, String) - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.tuple.DataToArrayOfDoublesSketch
Constructor with given sketch size, sampling probability and number of values.
- DataToArrayOfDoublesSketch.Initial - Class in org.apache.datasketches.pig.tuple
- DataToArrayOfDoublesSketch.IntermediateFinal - Class in org.apache.datasketches.pig.tuple
- DataToDoublesSketch - Class in org.apache.datasketches.pig.quantiles
This is a Pig UDF that builds Sketches from data.
- DataToDoublesSketch() - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.quantiles.DataToDoublesSketch
Default constructor.
- DataToDoublesSketch(String) - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.quantiles.DataToDoublesSketch
String constructor.
- DataToDoublesSketch(int) - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.quantiles.DataToDoublesSketch
Base constructor.
- DataToDoublesSketch.Initial - Class in org.apache.datasketches.pig.quantiles
Class used to calculate the initial pass of an Algebraic sketch operation.
- DataToDoublesSketch.IntermediateFinal - Class in org.apache.datasketches.pig.quantiles
Class used to calculate the intermediate or final combiner pass of an Algebraic sketch
- DataToDoubleSummarySketch - Class in org.apache.datasketches.pig.tuple
This UDF creates a Sketch<DoubleSummary> from raw data.
- DataToDoubleSummarySketch() - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.tuple.DataToDoubleSummarySketch
Constructor with default sketch size and default mode (sum)
- DataToDoubleSummarySketch(String) - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.tuple.DataToDoubleSummarySketch
Constructor with default mode (sum)
- DataToDoubleSummarySketch(String, String) - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.tuple.DataToDoubleSummarySketch
- DataToDoubleSummarySketch.Initial - Class in org.apache.datasketches.pig.tuple
- DataToDoubleSummarySketch.IntermediateFinal - Class in org.apache.datasketches.pig.tuple
- DataToFrequentItemsSketch<T> - Class in org.apache.datasketches.pig.frequencies
This is a generic implementation to be specialized in concrete UDFs
- DataToFrequentItemsSketch(int, ArrayOfItemsSerDe<T>) - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.frequencies.DataToFrequentItemsSketch
Constructs a function given a sketch size and serde
- DataToFrequentItemsSketchAlgebraicIntermediateFinal<T> - Class in org.apache.datasketches.pig.frequencies
Class used to calculate the intermediate pass (combiner) or the final pass
(reducer) of an Algebraic sketch operation.
- DataToFrequentItemsSketchAlgebraicIntermediateFinal() - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.frequencies.DataToFrequentItemsSketchAlgebraicIntermediateFinal
Default constructor to make pig validation happy.
- DataToFrequentItemsSketchAlgebraicIntermediateFinal(int, ArrayOfItemsSerDe<T>) - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.frequencies.DataToFrequentItemsSketchAlgebraicIntermediateFinal
- DataToFrequentStringsSketch - Class in org.apache.datasketches.pig.frequencies
This UDF creates a FrequentItemsSketch<String> from raw data.
- DataToFrequentStringsSketch(String) - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.frequencies.DataToFrequentStringsSketch
- DataToFrequentStringsSketch.Initial - Class in org.apache.datasketches.pig.frequencies
- DataToFrequentStringsSketch.IntermediateFinal - Class in org.apache.datasketches.pig.frequencies
- DataToItemsSketch<T> - Class in org.apache.datasketches.pig.quantiles
Builds ItemsSketch from data.
- DataToItemsSketch(int, Comparator<T>, ArrayOfItemsSerDe<T>) - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.quantiles.DataToItemsSketch
Base constructor.
- DataToItemsSketch.DataToItemsSketchInitial - Class in org.apache.datasketches.pig.quantiles
Class used to calculate the initial pass of an Algebraic sketch operation.
- DataToItemsSketch.DataToItemsSketchIntermediateFinal<T> - Class in org.apache.datasketches.pig.quantiles
Class used to calculate the intermediate or final combiner pass of an Algebraic sketch
- DataToItemsSketchInitial() - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.quantiles.DataToItemsSketch.DataToItemsSketchInitial
Default constructor.
- DataToItemsSketchInitial(String) - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.quantiles.DataToItemsSketch.DataToItemsSketchInitial
Constructor with specific k
- DataToItemsSketchIntermediateFinal(int, Comparator<T>, ArrayOfItemsSerDe<T>) - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.quantiles.DataToItemsSketch.DataToItemsSketchIntermediateFinal
Constructor for the intermediate and final passes of an Algebraic function.
- DataToSketch - Class in org.apache.datasketches.pig.cpc
This is a Pig UDF that builds sketches from data.
- DataToSketch() - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.cpc.DataToSketch
Constructor with default lgK and seed
- DataToSketch(String) - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.cpc.DataToSketch
Constructor with given lgK as string and default seed
- DataToSketch(String, String) - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.cpc.DataToSketch
Constructor with given lgK and seed as strings
- DataToSketch(int, long) - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.cpc.DataToSketch
Base constructor.
- DataToSketch - Class in org.apache.datasketches.pig.hll
This is a Pig UDF that builds Sketches from data.
- DataToSketch() - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.hll.DataToSketch
Constructor with default lgK and target HLL type
- DataToSketch(String) - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.hll.DataToSketch
Constructor with given lgK as string and default target HLL type.
- DataToSketch(String, String) - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.hll.DataToSketch
Constructor with given lgK and target HLL type as strings
- DataToSketch(int, TgtHllType) - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.hll.DataToSketch
Base constructor.
- DataToSketch - Class in org.apache.datasketches.pig.kll
This UDF is to build sketches from data.
- DataToSketch() - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.kll.DataToSketch
Default constructor.
- DataToSketch(String) - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.kll.DataToSketch
String constructor.
- DataToSketch - Class in org.apache.datasketches.pig.theta
This is a Pig UDF that builds Sketches from data.
- DataToSketch() - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.theta.DataToSketch
Default constructor.
- DataToSketch(String) - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.theta.DataToSketch
String constructor.
- DataToSketch(String, String) - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.theta.DataToSketch
String constructor.
- DataToSketch(String, String, String) - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.theta.DataToSketch
Full string constructor.
- DataToSketch(int, float, long) - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.theta.DataToSketch
Base constructor.
- DataToSketch<U,S extends org.apache.datasketches.tuple.UpdatableSummary<U>> - Class in org.apache.datasketches.pig.tuple
This is a generic implementation to be specialized in concrete UDFs
- DataToSketch(SummaryFactory<S>) - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.tuple.DataToSketch
Constructs a function given a summary factory, default sketch size and default
sampling probability of 1.
- DataToSketch(int, SummaryFactory<S>) - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.tuple.DataToSketch
Constructs a function given a sketch size, summary factory and default
sampling probability of 1.
- DataToSketch(int, float, SummaryFactory<S>) - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.tuple.DataToSketch
Constructs a function given a sketch size, sampling probability and summary factory
- DataToSketch.Final - Class in org.apache.datasketches.pig.kll
Class used to calculate the final pass of an Algebraic sketch operation.
- DataToSketch.Initial - Class in org.apache.datasketches.pig.kll
Class used to calculate the initial pass of an Algebraic sketch operation.
- DataToSketch.Initial - Class in org.apache.datasketches.pig.theta
Class used to calculate the initial pass of an Algebraic sketch operation.
- DataToSketch.Intermediate - Class in org.apache.datasketches.pig.kll
Class used to calculate the intermediate pass of an Algebraic sketch operation.
- DataToSketch.IntermediateFinal - Class in org.apache.datasketches.pig.theta
Class used to calculate the intermediate or final combiner pass of an Algebraic sketch
- DataToSketchAlgebraicFinal - Class in org.apache.datasketches.pig.cpc
- DataToSketchAlgebraicFinal() - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.cpc.DataToSketchAlgebraicFinal
Default constructor for the final pass of an Algebraic function.
- DataToSketchAlgebraicFinal(String) - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.cpc.DataToSketchAlgebraicFinal
Constructor for the final pass of an Algebraic function.
- DataToSketchAlgebraicFinal(String, String) - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.cpc.DataToSketchAlgebraicFinal
Constructor for the final pass of an Algebraic function.
- DataToSketchAlgebraicFinal - Class in org.apache.datasketches.pig.hll
- DataToSketchAlgebraicFinal() - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.hll.DataToSketchAlgebraicFinal
Default constructor for the final pass of an Algebraic function.
- DataToSketchAlgebraicFinal(String) - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.hll.DataToSketchAlgebraicFinal
Constructor for the final pass of an Algebraic function.
- DataToSketchAlgebraicFinal(String, String) - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.hll.DataToSketchAlgebraicFinal
Constructor for the final pass of an Algebraic function.
- DataToSketchAlgebraicIntermediate - Class in org.apache.datasketches.pig.cpc
- DataToSketchAlgebraicIntermediate() - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.cpc.DataToSketchAlgebraicIntermediate
Default constructor for the intermediate pass of an Algebraic function.
- DataToSketchAlgebraicIntermediate(String) - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.cpc.DataToSketchAlgebraicIntermediate
Constructor for the intermediate pass of an Algebraic function.
- DataToSketchAlgebraicIntermediate(String, String) - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.cpc.DataToSketchAlgebraicIntermediate
Constructor for the intermediate pass of an Algebraic function.
- DataToSketchAlgebraicIntermediate - Class in org.apache.datasketches.pig.hll
- DataToSketchAlgebraicIntermediate() - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.hll.DataToSketchAlgebraicIntermediate
Default constructor for the intermediate pass of an Algebraic function.
- DataToSketchAlgebraicIntermediate(String) - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.hll.DataToSketchAlgebraicIntermediate
Constructor for the intermediate pass of an Algebraic function.
- DataToSketchAlgebraicIntermediate(String, String) - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.hll.DataToSketchAlgebraicIntermediate
Constructor for the intermediate pass of an Algebraic function.
- DataToSketchAlgebraicIntermediateFinal<U,S extends org.apache.datasketches.tuple.UpdatableSummary<U>> - Class in org.apache.datasketches.pig.tuple
Class used to calculate the intermediate pass (combiner) or the final pass
(reducer) of an Algebraic sketch operation.
- DataToSketchAlgebraicIntermediateFinal(SummaryFactory<S>, SummarySetOperations<S>, SummaryDeserializer<S>) - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.tuple.DataToSketchAlgebraicIntermediateFinal
Constructs a function given a summary factory, summary set operations, summary deserializer,
default sketch size and default sampling probability of 1.
- DataToSketchAlgebraicIntermediateFinal(int, SummaryFactory<S>, SummarySetOperations<S>, SummaryDeserializer<S>) - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.tuple.DataToSketchAlgebraicIntermediateFinal
Constructs a function given a sketch size, summary factory, summary set operations,
summary deserializer and default sampling probability of 1.
- DataToSketchAlgebraicIntermediateFinal(int, float, SummaryFactory<S>, SummarySetOperations<S>, SummaryDeserializer<S>) - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.tuple.DataToSketchAlgebraicIntermediateFinal
Constructs a function given a sketch size, sampling probability, summary factory,
summary set operations and summary deserializer
- DataToStringsSketch - Class in org.apache.datasketches.pig.quantiles
Creates an ItemsSketch<String> from raw data.
- DataToStringsSketch() - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.quantiles.DataToStringsSketch
- DataToStringsSketch(String) - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.quantiles.DataToStringsSketch
- DataToStringsSketch.DataToStringsSketchIntermediateFinal - Class in org.apache.datasketches.pig.quantiles
- DataToStringsSketchIntermediateFinal() - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.quantiles.DataToStringsSketch.DataToStringsSketchIntermediateFinal
- DataToStringsSketchIntermediateFinal(String) - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.quantiles.DataToStringsSketch.DataToStringsSketchIntermediateFinal
- DataToVarOptSketch - Class in org.apache.datasketches.pig.sampling
Creates a binary version of a VarOpt sampling over input tuples.
- DataToVarOptSketch(String) - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.sampling.DataToVarOptSketch
VarOpt sampling constructor.
- DataToVarOptSketch(String, String) - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.sampling.DataToVarOptSketch
VarOpt sampling constructor.
- deserializeFromMemory(Memory, int) - Method in class org.apache.datasketches.pig.sampling.ArrayOfTuplesSerDe
- DoublesSketchToString - Class in org.apache.datasketches.pig.quantiles
This UDF is to get a human-readable summary of a given sketch.
- DoublesSketchToString() - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.quantiles.DoublesSketchToString
- DoubleSummarySketchToEstimates - Class in org.apache.datasketches.pig.tuple
This UDF converts a Sketch<DoubleSummary> to estimates.
- DoubleSummarySketchToEstimates() - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.tuple.DoubleSummarySketchToEstimates
- DoubleSummarySketchToPercentile - Class in org.apache.datasketches.pig.tuple
This UDF is to get a percentile value from a Sketch<DoubleSummary>.
- DoubleSummarySketchToPercentile() - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.tuple.DoubleSummarySketchToPercentile
- GetCdf - Class in org.apache.datasketches.pig.kll
This UDF is to get an approximation to the Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF) of the input stream
given a sketch and a set of split points - an array of m unique, monotonically increasing
float values that divide the real number line into m+1 consecutive disjoint intervals.
- GetCdf() - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.kll.GetCdf
- GetEstimate - Class in org.apache.datasketches.pig.cpc
This is a User Defined Function (UDF) for getting a distinct count estimate from a given CpcdSketch
- GetEstimate() - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.cpc.GetEstimate
Constructor with default seed
- GetEstimate(String) - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.cpc.GetEstimate
Constructor with given seed
- GetEstimateAndErrorBounds - Class in org.apache.datasketches.pig.cpc
This is a User Defined Function (UDF) for obtaining the distinct count estimate
along with a lower and upper bound from a given CpcSketch.
- GetEstimateAndErrorBounds() - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.cpc.GetEstimateAndErrorBounds
Constructor with default kappa and seed
- GetEstimateAndErrorBounds(String) - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.cpc.GetEstimateAndErrorBounds
Constructor with given kappa and default seed
- GetEstimateAndErrorBounds(String, String) - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.cpc.GetEstimateAndErrorBounds
Constructor with given kappa and seed
- getFinal() - Method in class org.apache.datasketches.pig.cpc.DataToSketch
- getFinal() - Method in class org.apache.datasketches.pig.cpc.UnionSketch
- getFinal() - Method in class org.apache.datasketches.pig.frequencies.DataToFrequentStringsSketch
- getFinal() - Method in class org.apache.datasketches.pig.frequencies.UnionFrequentStringsSketch
- getFinal() - Method in class org.apache.datasketches.pig.hll.DataToSketch
- getFinal() - Method in class org.apache.datasketches.pig.hll.UnionSketch
- getFinal() - Method in class org.apache.datasketches.pig.kll.DataToSketch
- getFinal() - Method in class org.apache.datasketches.pig.kll.UnionSketch
- getFinal() - Method in class org.apache.datasketches.pig.quantiles.DataToDoublesSketch
- getFinal() - Method in class org.apache.datasketches.pig.quantiles.DataToStringsSketch
- getFinal() - Method in class org.apache.datasketches.pig.quantiles.UnionDoublesSketch
- getFinal() - Method in class org.apache.datasketches.pig.quantiles.UnionStringsSketch
- getFinal() - Method in class org.apache.datasketches.pig.sampling.DataToVarOptSketch
- getFinal() - Method in class org.apache.datasketches.pig.sampling.ReservoirSampling
- getFinal() - Method in class org.apache.datasketches.pig.sampling.VarOptSampling
- getFinal() - Method in class org.apache.datasketches.pig.sampling.VarOptUnion
- getFinal() - Method in class org.apache.datasketches.pig.theta.DataToSketch
- getFinal() - Method in class org.apache.datasketches.pig.theta.Intersect
- getFinal() - Method in class org.apache.datasketches.pig.theta.Union
- getFinal() - Method in class org.apache.datasketches.pig.tuple.DataToArrayOfDoublesSketch
- getFinal() - Method in class org.apache.datasketches.pig.tuple.DataToDoubleSummarySketch
- getFinal() - Method in class org.apache.datasketches.pig.tuple.UnionArrayOfDoublesSketch
- getFinal() - Method in class org.apache.datasketches.pig.tuple.UnionDoubleSummarySketch
- getInitial() - Method in class org.apache.datasketches.pig.cpc.DataToSketch
- getInitial() - Method in class org.apache.datasketches.pig.cpc.UnionSketch
- getInitial() - Method in class org.apache.datasketches.pig.frequencies.DataToFrequentStringsSketch
- getInitial() - Method in class org.apache.datasketches.pig.frequencies.UnionFrequentStringsSketch
- getInitial() - Method in class org.apache.datasketches.pig.hll.DataToSketch
- getInitial() - Method in class org.apache.datasketches.pig.hll.UnionSketch
- getInitial() - Method in class org.apache.datasketches.pig.kll.DataToSketch
- getInitial() - Method in class org.apache.datasketches.pig.kll.UnionSketch
- getInitial() - Method in class org.apache.datasketches.pig.quantiles.DataToDoublesSketch
- getInitial() - Method in class org.apache.datasketches.pig.quantiles.DataToStringsSketch
- getInitial() - Method in class org.apache.datasketches.pig.quantiles.UnionDoublesSketch
- getInitial() - Method in class org.apache.datasketches.pig.quantiles.UnionStringsSketch
- getInitial() - Method in class org.apache.datasketches.pig.sampling.DataToVarOptSketch
- getInitial() - Method in class org.apache.datasketches.pig.sampling.ReservoirSampling
- getInitial() - Method in class org.apache.datasketches.pig.sampling.VarOptSampling
- getInitial() - Method in class org.apache.datasketches.pig.sampling.VarOptUnion
- getInitial() - Method in class org.apache.datasketches.pig.theta.DataToSketch
- getInitial() - Method in class org.apache.datasketches.pig.theta.Intersect
- getInitial() - Method in class org.apache.datasketches.pig.theta.Union
- getInitial() - Method in class org.apache.datasketches.pig.tuple.DataToArrayOfDoublesSketch
- getInitial() - Method in class org.apache.datasketches.pig.tuple.DataToDoubleSummarySketch
- getInitial() - Method in class org.apache.datasketches.pig.tuple.UnionArrayOfDoublesSketch
- getInitial() - Method in class org.apache.datasketches.pig.tuple.UnionDoubleSummarySketch
- getIntermed() - Method in class org.apache.datasketches.pig.cpc.DataToSketch
- getIntermed() - Method in class org.apache.datasketches.pig.cpc.UnionSketch
- getIntermed() - Method in class org.apache.datasketches.pig.frequencies.DataToFrequentStringsSketch
- getIntermed() - Method in class org.apache.datasketches.pig.frequencies.UnionFrequentStringsSketch
- getIntermed() - Method in class org.apache.datasketches.pig.hll.DataToSketch
- getIntermed() - Method in class org.apache.datasketches.pig.hll.UnionSketch
- getIntermed() - Method in class org.apache.datasketches.pig.kll.DataToSketch
- getIntermed() - Method in class org.apache.datasketches.pig.kll.UnionSketch
- getIntermed() - Method in class org.apache.datasketches.pig.quantiles.DataToDoublesSketch
- getIntermed() - Method in class org.apache.datasketches.pig.quantiles.DataToStringsSketch
- getIntermed() - Method in class org.apache.datasketches.pig.quantiles.UnionDoublesSketch
- getIntermed() - Method in class org.apache.datasketches.pig.quantiles.UnionStringsSketch
- getIntermed() - Method in class org.apache.datasketches.pig.sampling.DataToVarOptSketch
- getIntermed() - Method in class org.apache.datasketches.pig.sampling.ReservoirSampling
- getIntermed() - Method in class org.apache.datasketches.pig.sampling.VarOptSampling
- getIntermed() - Method in class org.apache.datasketches.pig.sampling.VarOptUnion
- getIntermed() - Method in class org.apache.datasketches.pig.theta.DataToSketch
- getIntermed() - Method in class org.apache.datasketches.pig.theta.Intersect
- getIntermed() - Method in class org.apache.datasketches.pig.theta.Union
- getIntermed() - Method in class org.apache.datasketches.pig.tuple.DataToArrayOfDoublesSketch
- getIntermed() - Method in class org.apache.datasketches.pig.tuple.DataToDoubleSummarySketch
- getIntermed() - Method in class org.apache.datasketches.pig.tuple.UnionArrayOfDoublesSketch
- getIntermed() - Method in class org.apache.datasketches.pig.tuple.UnionDoubleSummarySketch
- GetK - Class in org.apache.datasketches.pig.kll
This UDF is to get the parameter K from a given sketch.
- GetK() - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.kll.GetK
- GetKFromDoublesSketch - Class in org.apache.datasketches.pig.quantiles
This UDF is to get the parameter K from a given sketch.
- GetKFromDoublesSketch() - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.quantiles.GetKFromDoublesSketch
- GetKFromStringsSketch - Class in org.apache.datasketches.pig.quantiles
This UDF is to get the parameter K from a given sketch.
- GetKFromStringsSketch() - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.quantiles.GetKFromStringsSketch
- GetPmf - Class in org.apache.datasketches.pig.kll
This UDF is to get an approximation to the Probability Mass Function (PMF) of the input stream
given a sketch and a set of split points - an array of m unique, monotonically increasing
float values that divide the real number line into m+1 consecutive disjoint intervals.
- GetPmf() - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.kll.GetPmf
- GetPmfFromDoublesSketch - Class in org.apache.datasketches.pig.quantiles
This UDF is to get an approximation to the Probability Mass Function (PMF) of the input stream
given a sketch and a set of split points - an array of m unique, monotonically increasing
double values that divide the real number line into m+1 consecutive disjoint intervals.
- GetPmfFromDoublesSketch() - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.quantiles.GetPmfFromDoublesSketch
- GetPmfFromStringsSketch - Class in org.apache.datasketches.pig.quantiles
This UDF is to get an approximation to the Probability Mass Function (PMF) of the input stream
given a sketch and a set of split points - an array of m unique, monotonically increasing
values that divide the domain into m+1 consecutive disjoint intervals.
- GetPmfFromStringsSketch() - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.quantiles.GetPmfFromStringsSketch
- GetQuantile - Class in org.apache.datasketches.pig.kll
This UDF is to get a quantile value from a given sketch.
- GetQuantile() - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.kll.GetQuantile
- GetQuantileFromDoublesSketch - Class in org.apache.datasketches.pig.quantiles
This UDF is to get a quantile value from a DoublesSketch.
- GetQuantileFromDoublesSketch() - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.quantiles.GetQuantileFromDoublesSketch
- GetQuantileFromStringsSketch - Class in org.apache.datasketches.pig.quantiles
This UDF is to get a quantile value from an ItemsSketch<String>.
- GetQuantileFromStringsSketch() - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.quantiles.GetQuantileFromStringsSketch
- GetQuantiles - Class in org.apache.datasketches.pig.kll
This UDF is to get a list of quantile values from a given sketch and a list of
fractions or a number of evenly spaced intervals.
- GetQuantiles() - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.kll.GetQuantiles
- GetQuantilesFromDoublesSketch - Class in org.apache.datasketches.pig.quantiles
This UDF is to get a list of quantile values from an DoublesSketch given a list of
fractions or a number of evenly spaced intervals.
- GetQuantilesFromDoublesSketch() - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.quantiles.GetQuantilesFromDoublesSketch
- GetQuantilesFromStringsSketch - Class in org.apache.datasketches.pig.quantiles
This UDF is to get a list of quantile values from an ItemsSketch<String> given a list of
fractions or a number of evenly spaced intervals.
- GetQuantilesFromStringsSketch() - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.quantiles.GetQuantilesFromStringsSketch
- GetRank - Class in org.apache.datasketches.pig.kll
This UDF is to get a normalized rank for a given value from a given sketch.
- GetRank() - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.kll.GetRank
- getRawSamplesAsList(ReservoirItemsSketch<T>) - Static method in class org.apache.datasketches.sampling.SamplingPigUtil
- getValue() - Method in class org.apache.datasketches.pig.cpc.DataToSketch
- getValue() - Method in class org.apache.datasketches.pig.cpc.UnionSketch
- getValue() - Method in class org.apache.datasketches.pig.frequencies.DataToFrequentItemsSketch
- getValue() - Method in class org.apache.datasketches.pig.frequencies.UnionFrequentItemsSketch
- getValue() - Method in class org.apache.datasketches.pig.hll.DataToSketch
- getValue() - Method in class org.apache.datasketches.pig.hll.UnionSketch
- getValue() - Method in class org.apache.datasketches.pig.kll.DataToSketch
- getValue() - Method in class org.apache.datasketches.pig.kll.UnionSketch
- getValue() - Method in class org.apache.datasketches.pig.quantiles.DataToDoublesSketch
- getValue() - Method in class org.apache.datasketches.pig.quantiles.DataToItemsSketch
- getValue() - Method in class org.apache.datasketches.pig.quantiles.UnionDoublesSketch
- getValue() - Method in class org.apache.datasketches.pig.quantiles.UnionItemsSketch
- getValue() - Method in class org.apache.datasketches.pig.sampling.DataToVarOptSketch
- getValue() - Method in class org.apache.datasketches.pig.sampling.ReservoirSampling
- getValue() - Method in class org.apache.datasketches.pig.sampling.ReservoirUnion
- getValue() - Method in class org.apache.datasketches.pig.sampling.VarOptSampling
- getValue() - Method in class org.apache.datasketches.pig.sampling.VarOptUnion
- getValue() - Method in class org.apache.datasketches.pig.theta.DataToSketch
- getValue() - Method in class org.apache.datasketches.pig.theta.Intersect
- getValue() - Method in class org.apache.datasketches.pig.theta.Union
- getValue() - Method in class org.apache.datasketches.pig.tuple.DataToSketch
- getValue() - Method in class org.apache.datasketches.pig.tuple.UnionSketch
- GetVarOptSamples - Class in org.apache.datasketches.pig.sampling
This UDF extracts samples from the binary image of a VarOpt<Tuple> sketch.
- GetVarOptSamples() - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.sampling.GetVarOptSamples
- Initial(String) - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.frequencies.DataToFrequentStringsSketch.Initial
Constructor for the initial pass of an Algebraic function.
- Initial() - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.frequencies.DataToFrequentStringsSketch.Initial
Default constructor to make pig validation happy
- Initial() - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.frequencies.UnionFrequentStringsSketch.Initial
Default constructor to make pig validation happy.
- Initial(String) - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.frequencies.UnionFrequentStringsSketch.Initial
Constructor for the initial pass of an Algebraic function.
- Initial() - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.kll.DataToSketch.Initial
Default constructor.
- Initial(String) - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.kll.DataToSketch.Initial
Constructor with explicit k as string.
- Initial() - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.kll.UnionSketch.Initial
Default constructor.
- Initial(String) - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.kll.UnionSketch.Initial
Constructor for the initial pass of an Algebraic function.
- Initial() - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.quantiles.DataToDoublesSketch.Initial
Default constructor.
- Initial(String) - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.quantiles.DataToDoublesSketch.Initial
Constructor for the initial pass of an Algebraic function.
- Initial() - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.quantiles.UnionDoublesSketch.Initial
Default constructor.
- Initial(String) - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.quantiles.UnionDoublesSketch.Initial
Constructor for the initial pass of an Algebraic function.
- Initial() - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.sampling.ReservoirSampling.Initial
- Initial(String) - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.sampling.ReservoirSampling.Initial
Map-side constructor for reservoir sampling UDF
- Initial() - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.theta.DataToSketch.Initial
Default constructor to make pig validation happy.
- Initial(String) - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.theta.DataToSketch.Initial
Constructor for the initial pass of an Algebraic function.
- Initial(String, String) - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.theta.DataToSketch.Initial
Constructor for the initial pass of an Algebraic function.
- Initial(String, String, String) - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.theta.DataToSketch.Initial
Constructor for the initial pass of an Algebraic function.
- Initial() - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.theta.Intersect.Initial
Default constructor to make pig validation happy.
- Initial(String) - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.theta.Intersect.Initial
Constructor for the initial pass of an Algebraic function.
- Initial() - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.theta.Union.Initial
Default constructor to make pig validation happy.
- Initial(String) - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.theta.Union.Initial
Constructor for the initial pass of an Algebraic function.
- Initial(String, String) - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.theta.Union.Initial
Constructor for the initial pass of an Algebraic function.
- Initial(String, String, String) - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.theta.Union.Initial
Constructor for the initial pass of an Algebraic function.
- Initial() - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.tuple.DataToArrayOfDoublesSketch.Initial
Constructor for the initial pass of an Algebraic function.
- Initial(String) - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.tuple.DataToArrayOfDoublesSketch.Initial
Constructor for the initial pass of an Algebraic function.
- Initial(String, String) - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.tuple.DataToArrayOfDoublesSketch.Initial
Constructor for the initial pass of an Algebraic function.
- Initial(String, String, String) - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.tuple.DataToArrayOfDoublesSketch.Initial
Constructor for the initial pass of an Algebraic function.
- Initial() - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.tuple.DataToDoubleSummarySketch.Initial
Constructor wit default sketch size and default mode
- Initial(String) - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.tuple.DataToDoubleSummarySketch.Initial
Constructor for the initial pass of an Algebraic function.
- Initial(String, String) - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.tuple.DataToDoubleSummarySketch.Initial
Constructor for the initial pass of an Algebraic function.
- Initial() - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.tuple.UnionArrayOfDoublesSketch.Initial
Constructor for the initial pass of an Algebraic function using default parameters.
- Initial(String) - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.tuple.UnionArrayOfDoublesSketch.Initial
Constructor for the initial pass of an Algebraic function.
- Initial(String, String) - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.tuple.UnionArrayOfDoublesSketch.Initial
Constructor for the initial pass of an Algebraic function.
- Initial() - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.tuple.UnionDoubleSummarySketch.Initial
Constructor for the initial pass of an Algebraic function.
- Initial(String) - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.tuple.UnionDoubleSummarySketch.Initial
Constructor for the initial pass of an Algebraic function.
- Initial(String, String) - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.tuple.UnionDoubleSummarySketch.Initial
Constructor for the initial pass of an Algebraic function.
- Intermediate() - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.kll.DataToSketch.Intermediate
Default constructor.
- Intermediate(String) - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.kll.DataToSketch.Intermediate
Constructor with explicit k as string.
- Intermediate() - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.kll.UnionSketch.Intermediate
Default constructor.
- Intermediate(String) - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.kll.UnionSketch.Intermediate
Constructor with explicit k as string.
- IntermediateFinal(String) - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.frequencies.DataToFrequentStringsSketch.IntermediateFinal
Constructor for the intermediate and final passes of an Algebraic function.
- IntermediateFinal() - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.frequencies.DataToFrequentStringsSketch.IntermediateFinal
Default constructor to make pig validation happy.
- IntermediateFinal() - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.frequencies.UnionFrequentStringsSketch.IntermediateFinal
Default constructor to make pig validation happy.
- IntermediateFinal(String) - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.frequencies.UnionFrequentStringsSketch.IntermediateFinal
Constructor for the intermediate and final passes of an Algebraic function.
- IntermediateFinal() - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.quantiles.DataToDoublesSketch.IntermediateFinal
Default constructor.
- IntermediateFinal(String) - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.quantiles.DataToDoublesSketch.IntermediateFinal
Constructor for the intermediate and final passes of an Algebraic function.
- IntermediateFinal(int) - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.quantiles.DataToDoublesSketch.IntermediateFinal
Constructor with primitives for the intermediate and final passes of an Algebraic function.
- IntermediateFinal() - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.quantiles.UnionDoublesSketch.IntermediateFinal
Default constructor.
- IntermediateFinal(String) - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.quantiles.UnionDoublesSketch.IntermediateFinal
Constructor for the intermediate and final passes of an Algebraic function.
- IntermediateFinal(int) - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.quantiles.UnionDoublesSketch.IntermediateFinal
Constructor with primitives for the intermediate and final passes of an Algebraic function.
- IntermediateFinal() - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.sampling.ReservoirSampling.IntermediateFinal
- IntermediateFinal(String) - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.sampling.ReservoirSampling.IntermediateFinal
Combiner and reducer side constructor for reservoir sampling UDF
- IntermediateFinal() - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.theta.DataToSketch.IntermediateFinal
Default constructor to make pig validation happy.
- IntermediateFinal(String) - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.theta.DataToSketch.IntermediateFinal
Constructor for the intermediate and final passes of an Algebraic function.
- IntermediateFinal(String, String) - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.theta.DataToSketch.IntermediateFinal
Constructor for the intermediate and final passes of an Algebraic function.
- IntermediateFinal(String, String, String) - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.theta.DataToSketch.IntermediateFinal
Constructor with strings for the intermediate and final passes of an Algebraic function.
- IntermediateFinal(int, float, long) - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.theta.DataToSketch.IntermediateFinal
Constructor with primitives for the intermediate and final passes of an Algebraic function.
- IntermediateFinal() - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.theta.Intersect.IntermediateFinal
Default constructor to make pig validation happy.
- IntermediateFinal(String) - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.theta.Intersect.IntermediateFinal
Constructor with strings for the intermediate and final passes of an Algebraic function.
- IntermediateFinal(long) - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.theta.Intersect.IntermediateFinal
Constructor with primitives for the intermediate and final passes of an Algebraic function.
- IntermediateFinal() - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.theta.Union.IntermediateFinal
Default constructor to make pig validation happy.
- IntermediateFinal(String) - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.theta.Union.IntermediateFinal
Constructor for the intermediate and final passes of an Algebraic function.
- IntermediateFinal(String, String) - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.theta.Union.IntermediateFinal
Constructor for the intermediate and final passes of an Algebraic function.
- IntermediateFinal(String, String, String) - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.theta.Union.IntermediateFinal
Constructor with strings for the intermediate and final passes of an Algebraic function.
- IntermediateFinal(int, float, long) - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.theta.Union.IntermediateFinal
Constructor with primitives for the intermediate and final passes of an Algebraic function.
- IntermediateFinal() - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.tuple.DataToArrayOfDoublesSketch.IntermediateFinal
Constructor for the intermediate and final passes of an Algebraic function.
- IntermediateFinal(String) - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.tuple.DataToArrayOfDoublesSketch.IntermediateFinal
Constructor for the intermediate and final passes of an Algebraic function.
- IntermediateFinal(String, String) - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.tuple.DataToArrayOfDoublesSketch.IntermediateFinal
Constructor for the intermediate and final passes of an Algebraic function.
- IntermediateFinal(String, String, String) - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.tuple.DataToArrayOfDoublesSketch.IntermediateFinal
Constructor for the intermediate and final passes of an Algebraic function.
- IntermediateFinal() - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.tuple.DataToDoubleSummarySketch.IntermediateFinal
Constructor for the intermediate and final passes of an Algebraic function.
- IntermediateFinal(String) - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.tuple.DataToDoubleSummarySketch.IntermediateFinal
Constructor for the intermediate and final passes of an Algebraic function.
- IntermediateFinal(String, String) - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.tuple.DataToDoubleSummarySketch.IntermediateFinal
Constructor for the intermediate and final passes of an Algebraic function.
- IntermediateFinal() - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.tuple.UnionArrayOfDoublesSketch.IntermediateFinal
Constructor for the intermediate and final passes of an Algebraic function.
- IntermediateFinal(String) - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.tuple.UnionArrayOfDoublesSketch.IntermediateFinal
Constructor for the intermediate and final passes of an Algebraic function.
- IntermediateFinal(String, String) - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.tuple.UnionArrayOfDoublesSketch.IntermediateFinal
Constructor for the intermediate and final passes of an Algebraic function.
- IntermediateFinal() - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.tuple.UnionDoubleSummarySketch.IntermediateFinal
Constructor for the intermediate and final passes of an Algebraic function.
- IntermediateFinal(String) - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.tuple.UnionDoubleSummarySketch.IntermediateFinal
Constructor for the intermediate and final passes of an Algebraic function.
- IntermediateFinal(String, String) - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.tuple.UnionDoubleSummarySketch.IntermediateFinal
Constructor for the intermediate and final passes of an Algebraic function.
- Intersect - Class in org.apache.datasketches.pig.theta
This is a Pig UDF that performs the Intersection Set Operation on Sketches.
- Intersect() - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.theta.Intersect
Default constructor to make pig validation happy.
- Intersect(String) - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.theta.Intersect
Full string constructor.
- Intersect(long) - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.theta.Intersect
Base constructor.
- Intersect.Initial - Class in org.apache.datasketches.pig.theta
Class used to calculate the initial pass of an Algebraic sketch operation.
- Intersect.IntermediateFinal - Class in org.apache.datasketches.pig.theta
Class used to calculate the intermediate or final combiner pass of an Algebraic intersection
- Union - Class in org.apache.datasketches.pig.theta
This is a Pig UDF that performs the Union Set Operation on Sketches.
- Union() - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.theta.Union
Default constructor to make pig validation happy.
- Union(String) - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.theta.Union
String constructor.
- Union(String, String) - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.theta.Union
String constructor.
- Union(String, String, String) - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.theta.Union
Full string constructor.
- Union(int, float, long) - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.theta.Union
Base constructor.
- Union.Initial - Class in org.apache.datasketches.pig.theta
Class used to calculate the initial pass of an Algebraic sketch operation.
- Union.IntermediateFinal - Class in org.apache.datasketches.pig.theta
Class used to calculate the intermediate or final combiner pass of an Algebraic union
- UnionArrayOfDoublesSketch - Class in org.apache.datasketches.pig.tuple
This is to union ArrayOfDoublesSketches.
- UnionArrayOfDoublesSketch() - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.tuple.UnionArrayOfDoublesSketch
Constructor with default sketch size and default number of values of 1.
- UnionArrayOfDoublesSketch(String) - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.tuple.UnionArrayOfDoublesSketch
Constructor with default sketch size and given number of values.
- UnionArrayOfDoublesSketch(String, String) - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.tuple.UnionArrayOfDoublesSketch
Constructor with given sketch size and vumber of values.
- UnionArrayOfDoublesSketch.Initial - Class in org.apache.datasketches.pig.tuple
- UnionArrayOfDoublesSketch.IntermediateFinal - Class in org.apache.datasketches.pig.tuple
- UnionDoublesSketch - Class in org.apache.datasketches.pig.quantiles
This is a Pig UDF that merges Quantiles Sketches.
- UnionDoublesSketch() - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.quantiles.UnionDoublesSketch
Default constructor.
- UnionDoublesSketch(String) - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.quantiles.UnionDoublesSketch
String constructor.
- UnionDoublesSketch(int) - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.quantiles.UnionDoublesSketch
Base constructor.
- UnionDoublesSketch.Initial - Class in org.apache.datasketches.pig.quantiles
Class used to calculate the initial pass of an Algebraic sketch operation.
- UnionDoublesSketch.IntermediateFinal - Class in org.apache.datasketches.pig.quantiles
Class used to calculate the intermediate or final combiner pass of an Algebraic union
- UnionDoubleSummarySketch - Class in org.apache.datasketches.pig.tuple
This is to union Sketch<DoubleSummary>.
- UnionDoubleSummarySketch() - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.tuple.UnionDoubleSummarySketch
Constructor with default sketch size and default mode (sum)
- UnionDoubleSummarySketch(String) - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.tuple.UnionDoubleSummarySketch
Constructor with default mode (sum)
- UnionDoubleSummarySketch(String, String) - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.tuple.UnionDoubleSummarySketch
- UnionDoubleSummarySketch.Initial - Class in org.apache.datasketches.pig.tuple
- UnionDoubleSummarySketch.IntermediateFinal - Class in org.apache.datasketches.pig.tuple
- UnionFrequentItemsSketch<T> - Class in org.apache.datasketches.pig.frequencies
This is a generic implementation to be specialized in concrete UDFs
- UnionFrequentItemsSketch(int, ArrayOfItemsSerDe<T>) - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.frequencies.UnionFrequentItemsSketch
Constructs a function given a sketch size and serde
- UnionFrequentItemsSketchAlgebraicIntermediateFinal<T> - Class in org.apache.datasketches.pig.frequencies
This is to calculate the intermediate pass (combiner) or the final pass
(reducer) of an Algebraic sketch operation.
- UnionFrequentItemsSketchAlgebraicIntermediateFinal() - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.frequencies.UnionFrequentItemsSketchAlgebraicIntermediateFinal
Default constructor to make pig validation happy.
- UnionFrequentItemsSketchAlgebraicIntermediateFinal(int, ArrayOfItemsSerDe<T>) - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.frequencies.UnionFrequentItemsSketchAlgebraicIntermediateFinal
- UnionFrequentStringsSketch - Class in org.apache.datasketches.pig.frequencies
This is to union FrequentItemsSketch<String>.
- UnionFrequentStringsSketch(String) - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.frequencies.UnionFrequentStringsSketch
- UnionFrequentStringsSketch.Initial - Class in org.apache.datasketches.pig.frequencies
- UnionFrequentStringsSketch.IntermediateFinal - Class in org.apache.datasketches.pig.frequencies
- UnionItemsSketch<T> - Class in org.apache.datasketches.pig.quantiles
Computes union of ItemsSketch.
- UnionItemsSketch(int, Comparator<T>, ArrayOfItemsSerDe<T>) - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.quantiles.UnionItemsSketch
Base constructor.
- UnionItemsSketch.UnionItemsSketchInitial - Class in org.apache.datasketches.pig.quantiles
Class used to calculate the initial pass of an Algebraic sketch operation.
- UnionItemsSketch.UnionItemsSketchIntermediateFinal<T> - Class in org.apache.datasketches.pig.quantiles
Class used to calculate the intermediate or final combiner pass of an Algebraic union
- UnionItemsSketchInitial() - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.quantiles.UnionItemsSketch.UnionItemsSketchInitial
Default constructor.
- UnionItemsSketchInitial(String) - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.quantiles.UnionItemsSketch.UnionItemsSketchInitial
Constructor with specific k
- UnionItemsSketchIntermediateFinal(int, Comparator<T>, ArrayOfItemsSerDe<T>) - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.quantiles.UnionItemsSketch.UnionItemsSketchIntermediateFinal
Constructor for the intermediate and final passes of an Algebraic function.
- UnionSketch - Class in org.apache.datasketches.pig.cpc
This is a Pig UDF that performs the Union operation on CpcSketches.
- UnionSketch() - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.cpc.UnionSketch
Constructor with default lgK and target HLL type
- UnionSketch(String) - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.cpc.UnionSketch
Constructor with given lgK as string and default seed.
- UnionSketch(String, String) - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.cpc.UnionSketch
Constructor with given lgK and seed as strings
- UnionSketch(int, long) - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.cpc.UnionSketch
Base constructor.
- UnionSketch - Class in org.apache.datasketches.pig.hll
This is a Pig UDF that performs the Union operation on HllSketches.
- UnionSketch() - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.hll.UnionSketch
Constructor with default lgK and target HLL type
- UnionSketch(String) - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.hll.UnionSketch
Constructor with given lgK as string and default target HLL type.
- UnionSketch(String, String) - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.hll.UnionSketch
Constructor with given lgK and target HLL type as strings
- UnionSketch(int, TgtHllType) - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.hll.UnionSketch
Base constructor.
- UnionSketch - Class in org.apache.datasketches.pig.kll
This UDF is to merge sketches.
- UnionSketch() - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.kll.UnionSketch
Default constructor.
- UnionSketch(String) - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.kll.UnionSketch
Constructor with explicit k as string.
- UnionSketch<S extends org.apache.datasketches.tuple.Summary> - Class in org.apache.datasketches.pig.tuple
This is a generic implementation to be specialized in concrete UDFs
- UnionSketch(SummarySetOperations<S>, SummaryDeserializer<S>) - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.tuple.UnionSketch
Constructs a function given a summary set operations, summary deserializer and default sketch size
- UnionSketch(int, SummarySetOperations<S>, SummaryDeserializer<S>) - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.tuple.UnionSketch
Constructs a function given a sketch size, summary set operations and summary deserializer
- UnionSketch.Final - Class in org.apache.datasketches.pig.kll
Class used to calculate the final pass of an Algebraic union operation.
- UnionSketch.Initial - Class in org.apache.datasketches.pig.kll
Class used to calculate the initial pass of an Algebraic sketch operation.
- UnionSketch.Intermediate - Class in org.apache.datasketches.pig.kll
Class used to calculate the intermediate pass of an Algebraic union operation.
- UnionSketchAlgebraicFinal - Class in org.apache.datasketches.pig.cpc
- UnionSketchAlgebraicFinal() - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.cpc.UnionSketchAlgebraicFinal
Default constructor for the final pass of an Algebraic function.
- UnionSketchAlgebraicFinal(String) - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.cpc.UnionSketchAlgebraicFinal
Constructor for the final pass of an Algebraic function.
- UnionSketchAlgebraicFinal(String, String) - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.cpc.UnionSketchAlgebraicFinal
Constructor for the final pass of an Algebraic function.
- UnionSketchAlgebraicFinal - Class in org.apache.datasketches.pig.hll
- UnionSketchAlgebraicFinal() - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.hll.UnionSketchAlgebraicFinal
Default constructor for the final pass of an Algebraic function.
- UnionSketchAlgebraicFinal(String) - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.hll.UnionSketchAlgebraicFinal
Constructor for the final pass of an Algebraic function.
- UnionSketchAlgebraicFinal(String, String) - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.hll.UnionSketchAlgebraicFinal
Constructor for the final pass of an Algebraic function.
- UnionSketchAlgebraicIntermediate - Class in org.apache.datasketches.pig.cpc
- UnionSketchAlgebraicIntermediate() - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.cpc.UnionSketchAlgebraicIntermediate
Default constructor of the intermediate pass of an Algebraic function.
- UnionSketchAlgebraicIntermediate(String) - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.cpc.UnionSketchAlgebraicIntermediate
Constructor for the intermediate pass of an Algebraic function.
- UnionSketchAlgebraicIntermediate(String, String) - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.cpc.UnionSketchAlgebraicIntermediate
Constructor for the intermediate pass of an Algebraic function.
- UnionSketchAlgebraicIntermediate - Class in org.apache.datasketches.pig.hll
- UnionSketchAlgebraicIntermediate() - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.hll.UnionSketchAlgebraicIntermediate
Default constructor of the intermediate pass of an Algebraic function.
- UnionSketchAlgebraicIntermediate(String) - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.hll.UnionSketchAlgebraicIntermediate
Constructor for the intermediate pass of an Algebraic function.
- UnionSketchAlgebraicIntermediate(String, String) - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.hll.UnionSketchAlgebraicIntermediate
Constructor for the intermediate pass of an Algebraic function.
- UnionSketchAlgebraicIntermediateFinal<S extends org.apache.datasketches.tuple.Summary> - Class in org.apache.datasketches.pig.tuple
This is to calculate the intermediate pass (combiner) or the final pass
(reducer) of an Algebraic sketch operation.
- UnionSketchAlgebraicIntermediateFinal(SummarySetOperations<S>, SummaryDeserializer<S>) - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.tuple.UnionSketchAlgebraicIntermediateFinal
Constructs a function given a summary factory and default sketch size
- UnionSketchAlgebraicIntermediateFinal(int, SummarySetOperations<S>, SummaryDeserializer<S>) - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.tuple.UnionSketchAlgebraicIntermediateFinal
Constructs a function given a sketch size and summary factory
- UnionStringsSketch - Class in org.apache.datasketches.pig.quantiles
Computes union of ItemsSketch<String>.
- UnionStringsSketch() - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.quantiles.UnionStringsSketch
- UnionStringsSketch(String) - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.quantiles.UnionStringsSketch
- UnionStringsSketch.UnionStringsSketchIntermediateFinal - Class in org.apache.datasketches.pig.quantiles
- UnionStringsSketchIntermediateFinal() - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.quantiles.UnionStringsSketch.UnionStringsSketchIntermediateFinal
- UnionStringsSketchIntermediateFinal(String) - Constructor for class org.apache.datasketches.pig.quantiles.UnionStringsSketch.UnionStringsSketchIntermediateFinal