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Package org.apache.datasketches.pig.tuple

Pig UDFs for Tuple sketches.

See: Description

Package org.apache.datasketches.pig.tuple Description

Pig UDFs for Tuple sketches. Tuple sketches are based on the idea of Theta sketches with the addition of values associated with unique keys. Two sets of tuple sketch classes are available at the moment: generic Tuple sketches with user-defined Summary, and a faster specialized implementation with an array of double values.

There are two sets of Pig UDFs: one for generic Tuple sketch with an example implementation for DoubleSummay, and another one for a specialized ArrayOfDoublesSketch.

The generic implementation is in the form of abstract classes DataToSketch and UnionSketch to be specialized for particular types of Summary. An example implementation for DoubleSumamry is provided: DataToDoubleSummarySketch and UnionDoubleSummarySketch, as well as UDFs to obtain the results from sketches: DoubleSumamrySketchToEstimates and DoubleSummarySketchToPercentile.

UDFs for ArrayOfDoublesSketch: DataToArrayOfDoublesSketch, UnionArrayOfDoublesSketch, ArrayOfDoublesSketchToEstimates.

Alexander Saydakov
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