HLL Maximum1 Sketch Size & Error Table

Maximum1 Serialized Size in Bytes Given lgConfigK and tgtHllType And

Maximum Relative Error given chosen # of Standard Deviations from the Estimate


  1. Chosen LgConfigK of the sketch
  2. Chosen tgtHllType is HLL_4
  3. Chosen tgtHllType is HLL_6
  4. Chosen tgtHllThpe is HLL_8
  5. Chosen # Standard Deviations = 1 corresponds to a 68.3% confidence interval
  6. Chosen # Standard Deviations = 2 corresponds to a 95.5% confidence interval
  7. Chosen # Standard Deviations = 3 corresponds to a 99.7% confidence interval
lgConfigK HLL_4
1 StdDev
2 StdDev
3 StdDev
4 64 53 56 25.698% 41.191% 52.651%
5 72 65 72 18.233% 31.028% 41.266%
6 88 89 104 12.931% 23.014% 31.564%
7 136 137 168 9.158% 16.834% 23.635%
8 200 233 296 6.487% 12.205% 17.411%
9 328 425 552 4.591% 8.785% 12.692%
10 616 809 1,064 3.243% 6.290% 9.186%
11 1,128 1,577 2,088 2.296% 4.488% 6.574%
12 2,216 3,113 4,136 1.619% 3.183% 4.697%
13 4,264 6,185 8,232 1.148% 2.296% 3.444%
14 8,488 12,329 16,424 0.812% 1.623% 2.435%
15 16,936 24,617 32,808 0.574% 1.148% 1.722%
16 33,832 49,193 65,576 0.406% 0.812% 1.218%
17 67,624 98,345 131,112 0.287% 0.574% 0.861%
18 135,208 196,649 262,184 0.203% 0.406% 0.609%
19 270,376 393,257 524,328 0.143% 0.287% 0.430%
20 540,712 786,473 1,048,616 0.101% 0.203% 0.304%
21 1,081,384 1,572,905 2,097,192 0.072% 0.143% 0.215%


  1. The max sizes for the HLL_4 sketch type can be exceeded, but it is very rare. If it is exceeded it would be by a few percent.
  2. The minimum serialized size (for an empty sketch) is 8 bytes.