Hyper Log Log Sketch Pig UDFs

This functionality appeared in sketches-pig-0.10.0. Depends on sketches-core-0.10.0 and memory-0.10.2.


  • get jar
  • save the following script as hll.pig
  • adjust jar versions and paths if necessary
  • save the below data into a file called “data.txt”
  • copy data to hdfs: “hdfs dfs -copyFromLocal data.txt”
  • run pig script: “pig hll.pig”

hll.pig script: build sketches, union sketches and get estimates

register datasketches-memory-2.0.0.jar;
register datasketches-java-3.1.0.jar;
register datasketches-pig-1.1.0.jar;

-- Parameters are optional. Default is 12
define dataToSketch org.apache.datasketches.pig.hll.DataToSketch('10');
define unionSketch org.apache.datasketches.pig.hll.UnionSketch('10');
define getEstimate org.apache.datasketches.pig.hll.SketchToEstimate();
define printSketch org.apache.datasketches.pig.hll.SketchToString();

a = load 'data.txt' as (id, category);
b = group a by category;
c = foreach b generate flatten(group) as (category), dataToSketch(a.id) as sketch;
-- Sketches can be stored at this point in binary format to be used later:
-- store c into 'intermediate/$date' using BinStorage();
-- The next two lines print the results in human readable form for the purpose of this example
d = foreach c generate category, getEstimate(sketch);    
dump d;

-- This can be a separate query
-- For example, the first part can produce a daily intermediate feed and store it,
-- and this part can load several instances of this daily intermediate feed and union them
-- across categories or days or both
e = group c all;
f = foreach e generate unionSketch(c.sketch) as sketch;
g = foreach f generate getEstimate(sketch);  
dump g;
h = foreach f generate printSketch(sketch);
dump h;

data.txt (tab separated)

The example input data has 2 fields: id and category. There are 2 categories ‘a’ and ‘b’ with 50 unique IDs in each. Most of the IDs in these categories overlap, so that there are 60 unique IDs in total.

Results: From ‘dump d’ (unique count estimate per category):


From ‘dump g’ (union across categories):


From ‘dump h’:

  Log Config K   : 10
  Hll Target     : HLL_4
  Current Mode   : SET
  LB             : 60.0
  Estimate       : 60.00000879168661
  UB             : 60.003004547162654
  OutOfOrder Flag: true

hll_union.pig script: union sketches from different columns

register datasketches-memory-2.0.0.jar;
register datasketches-java-3.1.0.jar;
register datasketches-pig-1.1.0.jar;

define dataToSketch org.apache.datasketches.pig.hll.DataToSketch();
define unionSketch org.apache.datasketches.pig.hll.UnionSketch();
define estimate org.apache.datasketches.pig.hll.SketchToEstimate();

a = load 'setops_data.txt' as (id1, id2);
b = group a all;
c = foreach b generate
  dataToSketch(a.id1) as sketch1,
  dataToSketch(a.id2) as sketch2;
d = foreach c generate
  unionSketch(TOBAG(sketch1, sketch2)) as a_union_b;
e = foreach d generate
dump e;

setops_data.txt (tab separated)

